
DexLeChem: Services in Chemistry for a Sustainable World

Our Green Chemistry startup DexLeChem was founded in 2013 as a spin-off of the German Cluster of Excellence UniCat "Unifying Concepts in Catalysis". We are changing the chemical-pharmaceutical industry with green development services, creating a new state of the art with our innovations. Our cutting-edge services lead to clear cost advantages in the production. Within a few years, we achieved to successfully enter the conservative chemical market. DexLeChem received outstanding testimonials for their work from big players such as Lonza, Boehringer Ingelheim, or DSM and has the vision to create a green chemical-pharmaceutical industry.

We are green:

We have a proven track record in the development of greener chemical manufacturing processes. We are highly committed to the 12 principles of our Advisory Board member Prof. John Warner, the founding father of Green Chemistry and use renewable resources whenever possible. In this way we help our customers to directly address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, and 15, support the EU Green Deal agenda by contributing in finding solutions for the biggest societal (and environmental) challenges of our time. We provide you with untapped green business opportunities - use the piece in process development that makes the difference!

We are smart:

We follow a "whatever works" approach in order to develop, optimize or scale-up chemical manufacturing processes. We create competetive advantages in the interface of chemistry, physics, mathematics and data sciences for our clients enabling them to concentrate on their core competencies - the manufacturing of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. This results in a higher reliability, robustness, reproducibility as well as product quality and compliance.

We are collaborative:

We know what we can do and where our limits are. Our broad global network in Europe, the US as well as Japan and South Korea helps us to identify the best partner for each challenge. We strongly believe that securing access to knowledge will decide about the competetiveness of companies in the future.


If you want to keep informed about our services follow DexLeChem on Twitter and our CEO Sonja Jost who updates you about the chemistry start-up scene in Germany.






First meeting of advisory board at March 19

The young company was able to win important representatives as the founder of Green Chemistry Prof. John Warner or Dr. Matthias Braun, Board Member Sanofi-Aventis Germany to participate in the board.

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Chemistry4Innovation gives valuable insights

Hosted by DexLeChem and the IZBM, the second event of Chemistry4Innovation will take place at the CoLaborator on March 20. The talks cover two interesting topics: digital labs and latest findings in stereoselective organocatalysis.

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Next Generation Catalysis: International Workshop on Catalysis

DexLeChem is participating in a catalysis workshop on February 26/27 held by Bayer. The exchange of experience with international catalysis experts is of vital importance for a young, innovation-oriented company.

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More innovation and flexibility for CMOs

In the last years pharmaceutical companies are increasingly outsourcing part of their business to custom manufacturing organizations (CMOs) in order to reduce cost and to increase flexibility. The field is becoming more and more competitive. This is where the services of DexLeChem step in.

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