First meeting of advisory board at March 19
The young company was able to win important representatives as the founder of Green Chemistry Prof. John Warner or Dr. Matthias Braun, Board Member Sanofi-Aventis Germany to participate in the board.
For CEO Sonja Jost this meeting is a milestone for the further successful enterprise policy towards sustainable growth and green chemistry. DexLeChem can benefit from the experience of the board members for its the future stategic orientation. The dialogue between industry and science is essential to stay in the vanguard of innovation and to know what the chemical industry really concerns. The workshops held during the meeting provided important impetus for DexLeChem.
DexLeChem Advisory Board 2015:
Prof. Dr. Maurizio Benaglia |
Università degli Studi di Milano |
Dr. Matthias Braun |
Mitglied der Geschäftsführung, Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH |
Prof. Dr. David Cole-Hamilton |
The University, St. Andrews |
Dr. Dominic DeSouza |
Head Project Mgmt API Business, Sandoz International GmbH |
Juliana Dierks |
Global Head of Customer Facing Excellence, Bayer Pharma AG |
Dr. Monica Kursawe |
Director, Merck KGaA |
Prof. Dr. Christof Schimank |
Vorstandsmitglied, Horváth AG |
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schomäcker |
Technische Universität Berlin |
Prof. Dr. John Warner |
Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry, LLC |