Chemistry4Innovation: halogenides and hydrogen activation with copper
Hosted by DexLeChem and the IZBM, the fourth event of Chemistry4Innovation will take place at the CoLaborator on July 17. The talks cover two highly relevant topics: cost-efficient synthesis of organic electronic compounds and the development of earth-abundant and therefore easily accessible catalysts.
The startup Reaxon will introduce their system approach to a cost-efficient and ecologically friendly synthesis of halogenides. In the second talk the scientist Dr. T. Teichert will present his efforts in the development of a stereoselective alkyne semihydrogenation with copper(I)/NHC complexes that are suited for H 2 activation at low temperatures.
Since DexLeChem is a technology oriented company with an innovation based business model the knowledge exchange with research institutions and innovation partners is of vital importance. At the same time DexLeChem wants to provide for a platform the exchange of information for the building of partnerships.
Under patronage of “Berlin Partner for Economy and Technology”, 4Chiral, the cluster of excellence UniCat, the Federal Association for German Startups, the Center for Entrepreneurship (TU Berlin) and profund (FU Berlin) the event aims at getting to know latest research findings in chemistry and to discuss their economic benefits. Moreover, ChemistryNetwork4Innovation seeks to bundle forces in the chemical-pharmaceutical industry in order to contribute to an additional value for all participants.