17th annual chemistry convention of "Handelsblatt": with CEO Jost on the panel
Besides other high-class speakers, like BASF CEO Bock, DexLeChem CEO Jost will be also on the panel of the only strategic meeting of the German chemical industry - in fact, you can see her twice!
Jost is an innovation expert who manages very successfully high-tech innovations within her own startup company. Moreover, she consults international organizations how to set up chemistry startup scenes. At the chemistry convention Jost will provide insights how incubators can be strategically used to expand innovation portfolios.
Following this discussion, she will pitch her own startup and present some of its extraordinary achievements in recent years which lead to competitive advantages in the core of the value chain.
The 17th annual chemistry meeting will be held by the renowned German newspaper "Handelsblatt" in Frankfurt/ Main on 12-13 April 2016.